





How do I play?

To play base paper scissors, go to our main page. From here, you can choose your move and amount of ETH you want to wager. Then, choose a secret phrase to encrypt your choice with, click on “start new game” and approve the transaction through your wallet.

This transaction will encrypt your choice and secret phrase and put it on the blockchain. Then, a user who wants to join your game will do the same: They will choose a move, a secret phrase, put up the same amount of ETH, and then put an encrypted copy of their move and secret phrase on the blockchain.

Once both users have joined(i.e. 'committed' to a move), the reveal phase begins. Both players must now reveal their move and secret phrase, at which point the contract will verify that this is the combination they submitted when putting up their ETH. This ensures that no player can change their move, even if the other player reveals theirs first.

Once both players have revealed, the user with the winning move gets 95% of the ETH wagered by both players. The other 5% of the ETH gets sent to the BPST ERC20 contract and is distributed to stakers(Which could be you!)

Why do I have to first commit my answer and then reveal it?

In short, we use a commit-reveal scheme to make sure that users commit to playing a game before knowing what the other player's move is going to be. Commit-reveal schemes are a design pattern used by smart contracts. It involves both users 'committing' to an answer before revealing it. When revealing, the smart contract can use cryptography to make sure that the answer they are revealing is the one they committed to in the first stage.

To facilitate this, users must choose a 'secret phrase' when creating or joining a game(i.e. committing to an answer). This secret phrase and the answer are combined, hashed, and put on the blockchain. When revealing, the users have to publicly 'say' what their choice and secret phrase was, at which point the smart contract will apply the same hash function to these two values and check it against the hash the user put on the blockchain during the commit step.

This scheme is the heart of BPS, making sure that you can play fair, decentralized, onchain games of base paper scissors.

How does the fee mechanism work, and how do I get rewards by staking?

Both players in a BPS game put up the same amount of ETH. The loser gets 0 ETH, the winner gets 95% of what both users put up, and 5% is sent to the BPST ERC20 contract.

BPST is the ERC20 token which allows users to farm fee revenue. When games are played, the 5% fee gets sent to this contract and stored in a 'rewards pool'. Holders of the BPST token have the ability to stake their tokens, which makes them eligible to farm the 'rewards'. Every week, the ETH accumulated in the rewards pool gets evenly distributed to stakers, based on how much of the total is staked. BPST can be staked and unstaked freely at any time through the dashboard on this website.

How do I trust that you guys aren't taking a fee or know what choices I submit?

In the spirit of crpyto, we believe that you should trust noting anyone tells you. Therefore, we have verified both the game and ERC20 contracts through Basescan. This way, you can go and verify how the game works by yourself, or trust that if there is something fishy the developers in our community will make sure to ring the alarm bells.

Moreover, we are just as degenerate as our user base, and we will be the first to admit that our code may have bugs. Because of this, we have paid a shit ton of money to a top-tier audit firm to tell us how much our code sucks, and as a result have made it suck less. The audit report is available here, and all issues found in it have been addressed and verified by the auditors.

How does the airdrop work?

* 50% of the total BPST supply is allocated for airdrops.
* The airdrop campaign will run for 6 months after the site launch.
* Users can earn points by completing various missions listed on the game's website.
* Missions include playing games, referring friends, being active in the community, providing liquidity for BPST, and more.
* Points earned from these missions will determine your airdrop allocation.
* At the end of the 6-month campaign, the BPST community will become the majority holder of the token.

Additionally, there's an early adopter NFT available for minting. Those who mint this NFT will receive an airdrop on August 10th, 2024.

How does staking work?

* Users can stake and unstake their BPST tokens at any time.
* There is a minimum stake requirement of 2000 BPST.
* 5% of the total ETH wagered in each game is sent to a reward pool in the token contract.
* Once a week, the reward pool is distributed to BPST stakers.
* This allows community members to not only play secure onchain games but also earn fees generated from other players' games.
* The staking is managed through the BPST ERC20 contract, which includes a custom staking scheme.

By staking BPST, users can earn passive income from the fees generated by the Base Paper Scissors game ecosystem.